Another shared passion the sisters, Patricia and Sarah, have is that they are BOTH living kidney donors!
Sarah donated to their stepdad in 2002 and Patty donated to a stranger in 2017. They both volunteer and work to raise awareness about living kidney donation. Here is 5-minute a talk Patricia gave about her kidney donation.
Kidney Donor - Patty Graham
A little bit about Patricia's Kidney donor information from the National Kidney Donation Organization (NKDO).
Donation Date: 11/28/2017 Non-Directed Hospital & City: UC Health Denver CO

What was your inspiration to become a donor? My sister was a donor 16 years before me and I saw a 5- minute talk about non-directed kidney donation. What would you tell someone thinking about donating? My favorite benefit of being a donor is the connections I’ve made with other donors. Connect with Patty on: Instagram: PattyAGraham Facebook: 5- min ignite talk Donor Athlete Story Podcast Contact Patty via email at: